Financial Literacy for Grades K-12
PRICE: $18.99 ISBN-13: 9781539061792
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seeds of financial independence.
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Money Matters 101
MONEY MATTERS 101: 18 & BEYOND Uses Biblical Principles And 17
Commandments to Get Your Financial House In Order
This guide was written to help you answer these critical lifestyle and retirement
questions. The workbook full of templates and worksheets is about using money,
not loving money! It is designed for the people who have good credit and those
who do not; the folk who are operating within their budget, and those who will not;
and for those who make 6 figures, and those who do not!...
Also Available In Spanish
KIDpreneur 101
Easy Reading for Parents, Teachers & Students
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PRICE: $18.99 ISBN-13: 9781539061792
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PRICE: $12.99 ISBN-10: 1537342339
Author Dr. Danette O'Neal
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Money Matters 101 / Spanish
Easy Reading for Parents, Teachers & Students
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Branding and SEO
Easy Reading for Professionals and Non-Professionals
This powerful booklet will help you identify your special sauce? What would you like people to know about you or your business? Think a minute about other businesses like yours, other professionals that you admire and respect. What about them stands out? It’s called a BRAND. How are these businesses/
professionals alike? How are they different?...
PRICE: $12.99 ISBN-13: 978-1978155565
ISBN-13: 9781539061793
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Organize Your Church for Purpose
This guide was developed by Dr. Danette O’Neal out of more than 30 years experience as a Real Estate Broker and Ministry Advisor to Senior Pastors and their Administrators. 99 pages of tutorials, guides, templates, and sample worksheets will help you meet any financial institution’s requirements for lending, increase accountability and membership, fundraising, and move your congregation to spiritual and financial sustainability, (Part of the Money Matters 101 Book Series).
We're Talking Moolah
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2025 Leadership Journal
21 Smart Pages of Business Templates & Worksheets
Unlock your leadership potential with the 2025 Leadership Journal by Dr. Danette O'Neal, designed specifically for small business leaders. This transformative guide features 21 SMART PAGES OF RESOURCES AND TEMPLATES, Aand 100 pges for journaling, alongside thought-provoking prompts and actionable strategies tailored to your unique challenges...
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The Overnight Entrepreneur
Easy Reading for Parents, Teachers & Students
Money Matters 101
Easy Reading for Parents, Teachers & Students